Saturday, November 6, 2010

The incredible adventures of Joy the Emperor.

Marracash Sopa Opera, the FINAL Part!!!

The forces of Freedom are close to win the battle when the Evil Brothers of death and their father get unexpected help from Outaspace: The Extraterristric Terroristic Tourist Fighters!!!

But before they can take any hostages the most unlikely thing, the most incredible happens: Princeska of the Universe, the everlasting flame of infinite peace jumps into the middlest of the fight, laughs and sends her happiness to the agressive warriors.

Immediately everybody agrees that fighting is stupid and makes no sense. They agree as well to form a Band again called Marracash Orchestra and play great ROCK´NROLL Shows FOREVER!!!!!

Take part in the triumph-celebration when troops come back home to their families on november 26th.


Babylon Translation II: Deutsch-Český-English-Deutsch

Jetzt nahm auch Bandreude Ikebara. In seinem Fall, kleinere Augen, Gehirn und Verdauungstrakt in der Nähe von §&$&!§&!? Es ist Panik Tour eröffnet. Live Tanzkapelle, die einst begann seine Reise in den kulturellen Austausch des Nachbarlandes hat in einer Datei des Grauens mutiert. Nacht für Nacht in den geneigten Zuschauer ermutigen seiner Reise, nur um dann ihre niederen Instinkte in einem heißen Musik Entertainer des Datensatzes frei zu bewegen. Oder, wenn aus der Ferne betrachtet: eine starke, übel riechende Masse, die gnadenlos rollt über die Tschechen. Von West nach Ost, von Nord nach Süd. Ohne aufzuhören. Bis dahin fließt durch die gesamte Republik Morbidität dieser enormen Klangkunst.
Nyní Bandreude rovněž vzala Ikebara.
V jeho případě, oči se zmenšují, zažívacího traktu a mozku blízko §&$&!§&!? Tam je panika tour židle. Živá taneční kapela, která kdysi začal svou cestu do kulturní výměny sousední země zmutoval do souboru hrůzy. Noc co noc, to v nakloněných diváků nabádat své cesty, jen aby pak nechat své instinkty baser do horké hudbu konferenciéra záznamu pohybovat volně. Nebo při pohledu z dálky: silná, faul-cítit hmotnost, která neúprosně valí přes Čechy. Od západu na východ, od severu k jihu. Bez přestání. Až nakonec celou republikou protéká nemocnosti této monstrózní zvukové umění.
Now Bandreude also took Ikebara.
In his case, smaller eyes, digestive tract and brain near §&$&!§&!? There is panic tour chair. Live dance band, which once began his journey into the cultural exchange of the neighboring country has mutated into a file of horrors. Night after night, in the inclined encourage viewers of his journey, only to then have their baser instincts in a hot music entertainer of the record to move freely. Or, when viewed from afar: a strong, foul-smelling mass that rolls relentlessly over the Czechs. From west to east, from north to south. Without ceasing. Until then flows through the entire Republic of morbidity of this enormous sound art.

Jetzt hat die Bandreude auch noch Ikebara ergriffen. Auch bei ihm werden die Augen inzwischen kleiner, der Verdauungstrakt enger und das Gehirn §&$&!§&!? Es herrscht Tourstuhlpanik. Die beschwingte Tanzkapelle, die einst ihre Reise zum kulturellen Austausch ins Nachbarland antrat, ist zum Ensemble des Grauens mutiert. Abend für Abend trägt es der geneigten Zuhörerschaft ihre mahnenden Weisen vor, nur um anschließend ihren niederen Instinkten zur heißen Musik des Schallplattenunterhalters freien Lauf zu lassen. Oder von Weitem betrachtet: Eine dickflüssige, übelriechende Masse, die sich unerbittlich durch Böhmen wälzt. Von West nach Ost, von Nord nach Süd. Ohne Unterlass. Bis schließlich die gesamte Republik durchzogen ist von der Morbidität dieser ungeheuerlichen Klangkunst.


After several hours of involuntary hanging around in the bus we finally left cross club and went straight into Praha's rush hour. Of course we didn't manage to find the right highway in the kitschy atmosphere with the hills above the tremedous city lying silently in the dusk. So we chose another Bummelroute to Kladno that takes at least twice as much time than the other. Crawling dark curvy streets that sneak through black forested mountains. Whoooo! Through the backdoor we entered the small city of Kladno and after cruising along the big promenade with its enormous WB70 concretesteel castles we found the way to the nice historic towncenter. Ziggy, the guy from AutoDaFe welcomes us to his bar with super buritos and a yellow, soft-alcoholic drink that has funny white foam on top. He said it is very famous in Czech Republic. So we do him the favor and try it. The taste is not bad. Ziggy's bar is a small place for crazy people (of course) who know how to party. There was some guy DJing after the concert: Balkan-Gypsy-Stuff or so. I don't know much about that, but it was okay also. I think his name was Doktor Bareiko or something like this.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The incredible adventures of Joy the Emperor.

Marracash Sopa Opera Part 2

As you may remember in the last story the war between the Force of Freedom and the Evil Brothers of Death had begun.

Meanwhile Sucker fired his Magic-Spit-Blow-Bomb and shot right in the mouth of Echodevil 666, but he was strong enough to stand that load!! This Mouth can even take more!!!!!

Fucker and Sucker try to get into their Magic-Atomic-Tank to activate the Super-Mega-FUCKSUCK-Spitfire, but Peaceman the Happy Hippie Arab jumps in the way and smiles his Smile of Friendliness onto the Evil Brothers of Death.
But then Iron-Lady lands on the battlefield in her Love Plane, which causes an immediate effect on the male fighter's mojo.

In this moment the Father of the Brothers of Death: Lord Ikebucker fires his MH-VP-SH3000db (MegaHeavy-VolumePressure-SuperHorn3000db) on Joy the Emperor.

OH NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Joy the Emperor is hit HEAVILY!!!!!! But Echodevil 666 sees that action with his X-RAY and appears right next to him in the blink of an eye.
And fires his Mega-Dick-Blast-Gun back to defend the HIT.
Anyway, a Superhero is not easy to kill. Joys Super-Healing-Magic-Power heals the wounds of his Superherobody within seconds. He gets up and jumps on Fuckers Atomic Battle Tank.

He jumps through the door and looks out of the window.

Read what happens in 3rd part of the story, which follows soon.


Big Thanks to Zdeno and Lorenzo.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Real Story Behind

Alright friends, anybody who wanted to read reports, facts and other informative stuff about time on tour was not really helped out. So let's try to change that now:

Our concerts started quite relaxed one week ago but got crazier and crazier each day. The shows in Augsburg and Strakonice were good but not too many people saw it. Klatovy was crowded and a big fun for everybody. People partied very hard. Plzen and Praha went almost perfect. We start to produce something on stage that sounds a little bit like music. Yes, indeed: REAL music.

Franta is doing a very good job organizing anything that needs to be organized: Find the right way to next city, check out best places for food, check in at supercool hotels, manage technical stuff in the venues and and and. Short: Frantischko Is The Man!

He also connected us to this incredible Cabaret-Metal-band from Benesov, Jinovatka that was plaving with us four times. The boys seem to be about ten times as stupid as we are. Their costumes are way better than ours and too sexy to tell. Look at the pictures and see. In my opinion they and the Master-Celebrator of Afterparty are the perfect completition to SUPERIAKO TOUR 2010.

Right now there are three more concerts to come, we're very excited how it's gonna end. As far as I can tell: Most likely in a mess.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The incredible adventures of Joy the Emperor.

Marracash Sopa Opera Part I

It is a rainy day when Joy steps out of his airplane unware of what's going on outside.

Just after a few seconds he realizes that there is quite something going on. He sneaks around the corner and sees, BLOODY HELL, the ugly faces of Fucker and Sucker, the evil brothers of death!!!

Immediately he calls the Force of Fortune and they all meet within 10 seconds at their Tank of Freedom.

Butt Fucker seems to be faster.

But Lord Germaida, the Master of Demolition, also gathers his forces and joins the battle.

The fight is long and bummelig.

After hours of senseless struggeling everybody agrees to form a band, drive to Pod Lampou and play a Rock'n'Roll show. In the club they meet other Freedom Forces on stage: The Benesov Army of Tranquility!

Don't miss out next episode to see how it ends!


After a good show in Club Velbloud, great afterparty and giving some humanitarian aid (broken leg) backstage, we arrived in our second home, Pod Lampou in Plzen. Our fucked up bodies enjoy the free day a lot. Instead of music we just play dice at the stammgastu table in our favorite hostinec. Meanwhile its necessary to wash ourselves in one of this huge washing machines in a public laundromat. Very comfortable: you don't need to undress like in common showers. Just walk in with your dirty clothes, set the temperature and rounds per second, then push play. As always the owner of th place doesn't like us very much. He said it's not allowed to smoke inside the machine. But, you know.... Next year when Marracash plays in Plzen they have to look for another place to get clean. Maybe the drug-addicted-help-center above Divadlo Pod Lampou?

Aus unserem Reiseführer

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

A little bit more less

Babylon-Translation: English-Český-Deutsch

Dieses Mal haben wir zu weit gegangen. Nach dem Bruch in HOSTELBAR (wie immer in der Tschechischen Budejovice) und aufklärend chimneyfire schön romantisch im historischen Keller Band Zukunft ist jetzt ungewiss. Der Besitzer ging zu dem Ort, den sie wollen, dass wir unsere Knochen zu brechen. Ja zum Glück dieses großen Messer zum Schneiden von Brennholz und konnte eine gewisse Distanz zwischen einem wütenden Hippie-tschetnik und der Rest der Band bringen werden. Auf diese Weise konnten wir aus dem Auto und die Stadt verlassen, bevor Tageslicht kam. Auf halbem Weg nach Pilsen, merkten wir, dass wir Martin, der in einer aufrechten Position auf Barstuhl in der Kneipe geschlafen vergessen. Jetzt hat er den ganzen Weg zu gehen. Aber kein Problem, heute Offday nunmal.

Tentokrát jsme šli příliš daleko. Poté, co rozbil v HOSTELBAR (jako pokaždé v Českých Budějovicích) a enlighting pěkné romantické chimneyfire v historickém suterénu hotelu budoucnost kapely je nyní nejistá. Majitel místa šli po nás chtějí zlomit naše kosti. Jo naštěstí ještě tento velký nůž, který používá pro řezání palivového dřeva a mohl by přinést určitou vzdálenost mezi zuřící hippie-tschetnik a zbytkem kapely. Tímto způsobem bychom mohli uniknout do auta a opustit město před tím, než dostal denního světla. Na půl cesty do Plzně jsme si uvědomili, že jsme zapomněli Martin, který spal ve vzpřímené poloze na barchair v hospodě. Teď má jít celou cestu. Ale žádný problém, dnes je offday.
This time we went too far. After breaking in the hostelbar (like every time in ceske budejovice) and enlighting a nice romantic chimneyfire in the historic basement of the hotel the future of the band is now insecure. The owner of the place went after us willing to break our bones. Fortunately Jo still had this big knife he used for cutting the firewood and could bring some distance between the raging hippie-tschetnik and the rest of the band. This way we could escape to the car and leave the town before it got daylight. Half way to Plzen we realized that we forgot Martin who was sleeping upright on a barchair in the pub. Now he has to walk all the way. But no problem, today is offday.

Marracash Orchestra: Beauty Free!!!

I know, everybody wants to know which songs we played. So here is the latest setlist of EVIL: