Am zehnten Tag der Tiefpunkt. Schlafmangel, Stress, Kilometerwahn. Sogar visob nimmt den symptomatischen, faul-süßlichen Geruch an. Zu viele Länder in zu wenig Zeit. Zu viele mies gelaunte Amtsbegrenzte. Und sie haben die Rechnung ohne die serbischen Blutschinken gemacht. Unverhofft findet sich das Ensemble im Behandlungszimmer wieder. Pornoshow mit Gummihandschuhen und Uniform. Maul- und Klauenstaupe. Deswegen wird die illegale Medizin auch prompt an die Verursacher zwecks Saalrunde zurückgegeben. Grenze ist besser als gar kein Sex.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
10th Day
На десетиот ден од најниската точка. Недостаток на сон, стрес, километражата лудило. Дури и visob учествува во симптоматичен, скапани-сладок мирис. Премногу многу земји во премногу малку време. Премногу лоши-темпериран Канцеларијата Limited. И тие го направија во соопштението, без шунка српски крв. Неочекувано, на ансамблот е во третманот соба повторно. Порно шоу со гумени ракавици и униформи. Шап темпера. Затоа, нелегалната медицина ќе бидат вратени веднаш на загадувачот, со цел да коло сала. Граница е подобро отколку без секс.
On the tenth day of the nadir. Lack of sleep, stress, mileage madness. Even visob participates in the symptomatic, rotten-sweet smell. Too many countries in too little time. Too many bad-tempered Office Limited. And they have made the statement without the ham Serbian blood. Unexpectedly, the ensemble is in the treatment room again. Porno show with rubber gloves and uniforms. Foot and Mouth distemper. Therefore, the illegal medicine will be returned promptly to the polluter in order to round hall. Limit is better than no sex.
Am zehnten Tag der Tiefpunkt. Schlafmangel, Stress, Kilometerwahn. Sogar visob nimmt den symptomatischen, faul-süßlichen Geruch an. Zu viele Länder in zu wenig Zeit. Zu viele mies gelaunte Amtsbegrenzte. Und sie haben die Rechnung ohne die serbischen Blutschinken gemacht. Unverhofft findet sich das Ensemble im Behandlungszimmer wieder. Pornoshow mit Gummihandschuhen und Uniform. Maul- und Klauenstaupe. Deswegen wird die illegale Medizin auch prompt an die Verursacher zwecks Saalrunde zurückgegeben. Grenze ist besser als gar kein Sex.
Am zehnten Tag der Tiefpunkt. Schlafmangel, Stress, Kilometerwahn. Sogar visob nimmt den symptomatischen, faul-süßlichen Geruch an. Zu viele Länder in zu wenig Zeit. Zu viele mies gelaunte Amtsbegrenzte. Und sie haben die Rechnung ohne die serbischen Blutschinken gemacht. Unverhofft findet sich das Ensemble im Behandlungszimmer wieder. Pornoshow mit Gummihandschuhen und Uniform. Maul- und Klauenstaupe. Deswegen wird die illegale Medizin auch prompt an die Verursacher zwecks Saalrunde zurückgegeben. Grenze ist besser als gar kein Sex.
All Inclusive
Next morning 50% of the bandmembers are still lost in time, the rest is lost in space. 30 minutes late we all meet punctually at the radio station and leave to Macedonia. This time the greedy border guy wants a cd AND a T-shirt for his daughter.
In Skopje we're amazed how packed the city is nowadays with silly monuments and senseless objects. As usual in Skopje it is almost impossible for the taxi drivers to find our sleeping place. Though we are direct neighbors of the president. Maybe he doesn't use taxis very often.
Too bad we have to play against Germany this night. But no problem for us, as usual we play a great show and people love it. Germany loses! Big Ups to Elena who takes the best care of us the whole time. After one or two hours of great comatic sleep we're ready for 'Hollebolle IV's' next mission: Vukovar, Croatia.
Zynically we call our steamship today 'Frau Holle'. 50 degrees, no wind, sauna feeling. Thanx to the Christian Mafia at the Serbian border we have two hours timeout. They turn around every crumb inside the bus and even admire our genitals. We're lucky again, today is a special anniversary: 10 years Marracash, 10 years drug free!
In Skopje we're amazed how packed the city is nowadays with silly monuments and senseless objects. As usual in Skopje it is almost impossible for the taxi drivers to find our sleeping place. Though we are direct neighbors of the president. Maybe he doesn't use taxis very often.
Too bad we have to play against Germany this night. But no problem for us, as usual we play a great show and people love it. Germany loses! Big Ups to Elena who takes the best care of us the whole time. After one or two hours of great comatic sleep we're ready for 'Hollebolle IV's' next mission: Vukovar, Croatia.
Zynically we call our steamship today 'Frau Holle'. 50 degrees, no wind, sauna feeling. Thanx to the Christian Mafia at the Serbian border we have two hours timeout. They turn around every crumb inside the bus and even admire our genitals. We're lucky again, today is a special anniversary: 10 years Marracash, 10 years drug free!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
8th Day
Eighth day. The Bandreude is getting worse. They had the cows. Despite exorbitant volume pool tiles are still swimming. There does not help anymore, excessive use of chlorine. Now they have forgotten to drink beer before the concert. Skopsolemie Akuta Rakiensis. Drive on! And try to break the sound barrier backwards. Maximum time for Nightseeing. But that's why they're on tour.
Осмиот ден од денот. На Bandreude се влошува. Тие имаа крави. И покрај прекомерен волумен базен плочки се уште пливање. Таму не помогне повеќе, прекумерна употреба на хлор. Сега тие имаат заборавено да се пие пиво пред концертот. Skopsolemie Akuta Rakiensis. Вози на! И да се обиде да се пробие на звучната бариера наназад. Максималното време за Nightseeing. Но, тоа е причината зошто тие се на турнеја.
Achter Tag. Die Bandreude verschlechtern. Sie hatten Kühe. Trotz der exorbitanten Volume-Pool Fliesen sind immer noch schwimmen. Es hilft nicht mehr, übermäßiger Einsatz von Chlor. Jetzt haben sie vergessen, Bier trinken vor dem Konzert. Skopsolemie Akuta Rakiensis. Ride on! Und zu versuchen, die Schallmauer zu durchbrechen zurück. Die maximale Zeit Nightseeing. Aber das ist, warum sie auf Tour sind.
Осмиот ден од денот. На Bandreude се влошува. Тие имаа крави. И покрај прекомерен волумен базен плочки се уште пливање. Таму не помогне повеќе, прекумерна употреба на хлор. Сега тие имаат заборавено да се пие пиво пред концертот. Skopsolemie Akuta Rakiensis. Вози на! И да се обиде да се пробие на звучната бариера наназад. Максималното време за Nightseeing. Но, тоа е причината зошто тие се на турнеја.
Achter Tag. Die Bandreude verschlechtern. Sie hatten Kühe. Trotz der exorbitanten Volume-Pool Fliesen sind immer noch schwimmen. Es hilft nicht mehr, übermäßiger Einsatz von Chlor. Jetzt haben sie vergessen, Bier trinken vor dem Konzert. Skopsolemie Akuta Rakiensis. Ride on! Und zu versuchen, die Schallmauer zu durchbrechen zurück. Die maximale Zeit Nightseeing. Aber das ist, warum sie auf Tour sind.
Kavadarci - Sofia
Back home in Macedonia we are welcomed by one of the most delicious fish ever: The Yummy Ohrid Trout. Served in a small restaurant just behind the border and right on the beach of this fantastic lake. At this time we can't know yet that tonight it gets even wilder. The director of the cultural festival in Kavardaci invites us to a bar with local veggie food and rakia after our concert.
We played on a big square in front of the municipal building of the city. Hundreds of people, many young folks and also a lot of kids. Two local bands and big fun! It was the warmup party for the festival this weekend. Our hotel is insane, nice rooms and huge pool. But better not to swim in it after the daily dose of chlore got poured in. Our friends from the local festival crew bring us a bottle of self made rakia. Perfect day. Fala! Good night.
Again we start early today, it's quite a distance to Sofia. And again
borderwork to do. Waiting. Having chit chat and giving away CDs to the
border police. Non EU / EU paperwork. ATA carnet documents, stamps. What
that is? You don't wanna know. Somehow we always mangae to make it in
time. Even without the stolen number plate. One hour time distance and
rush hour in Sofia break our neck. We arrive late at the radio station
and later at the club. Technical problems keep us busy until five
minutes before the show. But we have to start in time cause the concert
is broadcasted live in the whole country! So no enjoying the nice old
cinema, no chilling and coming down. No food, no beers! Result: A fuckin
great show and a crazy audience. Thanx guys for showin up. Superiako!
After all our stuff is back in the van we have some free minutes for the first time that day. Some of us go straight to their beds, some made a small nightseeing tour in the capital. Costa and some nice people from around show us the chilled out side of the town. Great relaxing end of an exhausting day. Tomorrow we have to get up early again. Next date in the radio station in Skopje waits for us.
We played on a big square in front of the municipal building of the city. Hundreds of people, many young folks and also a lot of kids. Two local bands and big fun! It was the warmup party for the festival this weekend. Our hotel is insane, nice rooms and huge pool. But better not to swim in it after the daily dose of chlore got poured in. Our friends from the local festival crew bring us a bottle of self made rakia. Perfect day. Fala! Good night.
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Photo: Jana |
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Photo: Jana |
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Shtip - Struga - Tirana
For the third time we played Dom Na Mladi in Shtip, this year open air! Boshko, the owner of the club promised us to play another open air stage underneath a giant mushroom next time. There used to be big hippie festivals in the 80s. Boshko is still running the venue and doing a great job! Again we stayed at the Banja, thermal springs with 60°C hot water. Double relaxing when you're stoned and drunk.
Next day we rushed all across Macedonia to arrive in Struga in time which didn't work out of course. There was a 100km bike race around lake Ohrid that is partly in Macedonia and Albania. We we were supposed to play after the winner celebration. Due to the first rain on our vacation we could not set up our equipment. Just when we decided that our instruments don't mix so well with thunderstorms the weather turned better. Too bad it was already late to start building up.
So we made the stage clear for a famous Deutsche Schlager band called 'Elbtalherzen' (Video coming soon!). They need only very few equipment and the music goes very well with thunder and lightning. Their concert was great, Struga's people loved the Bratwurst Beats! Though we were a little sad to miss out a show we enjoyed a great evening at the lakeside and celebrated our first off-day with new friends and local drinks.
Because of missing signs along the racetrack there are still bikers cycling around the area. If you see one of 'em they will be very glad if you can help to find the way back to Struga.
We all were as excited as can be about Albania. None of us has been in the country before and especially Tirana was calling for us. Incredible to describe with words. The only city with a 'George W. Bush' boulevard we've been to. Julietta, Rubin and the Tirana Ekspres crew welcomed us very nicely and we felt like coming home instantly.
The backstage was huge because again it was open air. We even had cows there! Still crazier: The stage was built on three bunkers that were turned upside down. Some crazy dictator called Enver Hoxha put 700 000 of em across the whole country in the last century. We love this country! See you next year!
Next day we rushed all across Macedonia to arrive in Struga in time which didn't work out of course. There was a 100km bike race around lake Ohrid that is partly in Macedonia and Albania. We we were supposed to play after the winner celebration. Due to the first rain on our vacation we could not set up our equipment. Just when we decided that our instruments don't mix so well with thunderstorms the weather turned better. Too bad it was already late to start building up.
So we made the stage clear for a famous Deutsche Schlager band called 'Elbtalherzen' (Video coming soon!). They need only very few equipment and the music goes very well with thunder and lightning. Their concert was great, Struga's people loved the Bratwurst Beats! Though we were a little sad to miss out a show we enjoyed a great evening at the lakeside and celebrated our first off-day with new friends and local drinks.
Because of missing signs along the racetrack there are still bikers cycling around the area. If you see one of 'em they will be very glad if you can help to find the way back to Struga.
We all were as excited as can be about Albania. None of us has been in the country before and especially Tirana was calling for us. Incredible to describe with words. The only city with a 'George W. Bush' boulevard we've been to. Julietta, Rubin and the Tirana Ekspres crew welcomed us very nicely and we felt like coming home instantly.
The backstage was huge because again it was open air. We even had cows there! Still crazier: The stage was built on three bunkers that were turned upside down. Some crazy dictator called Enver Hoxha put 700 000 of em across the whole country in the last century. We love this country! See you next year!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Babylon Translator One
Deutsch - English - Macedonian - Deutsch
Informationsschalter Demenz sind fließend. Schorsch versuchte bereits mit dem Mittagessen in der mazedonischen Dinar für. zahlen die schönsten Urlaubserlebnisse werden im gleichen Umfang wie den verblassenden Erinnerungen an ihre kondensiert. sie entkommen unser Gehirn wie unsere einheimischen Bier Poren. Keine Pinkelpausen! Einfach vergessen! Büchi nahm Gehe in heißem Wasser in kalten Harald: Angeln in Stip und Ohrid-See an einem Tag! Da kann es manchmal ausarten, dass Sie ein Konzert spielen zu vergessen. Lösung für heute: Ich weiß nicht, noch nichts.
Tour dementia are gradual. Schorsch tried already with lunch in Macedonian dinars for pay the most beautiful holiday experiences are condensed to the same extent as the fading memories of her. they escape our brains as our local beer pores. No more pee breaks! Just forget! Buchi took Jump in hot water in cold Harald: Fishing in Stip and Ohrid Lake in one day! Because it can sometimes degenerate, that you forget to play a concert. Solution for today: I do not know anything yet.
На Тур деменцијата се постепено. Schorsch обиде веќе со ручек во македонски српски динари за. плати Најубавото празник искуства се кондензирана во иста мера како исчезнува спомени од неа. тие избега нашиот мозок како на локално пиво нашите пори. Нема повеќе паузи пишам! Само заборави! Buchi зеде Скокни во топла вода во ладна Харалд: Риболов во Штип и Охридското Езеро во еден ден! Бидејќи тоа може да понекогаш дури и дегенерира, дека сте заборавиле да играат концерт. Решение за денес: јас не знам ништо сеуште.
Die Tourdemenz setzt allmählich ein. Schorsch versucht im mazedonischen Imbiss schon mal mit serbischen Dinar zu bezahlen. Die wundervollsten Urlaubserlebnisse verdichten sich im selben Maß wie die Erinnerungen daran verblassen. Sie entrinnen unseren Gehirnen wie das hiesige Bier unseren Poren. Keine Pinkelpausen mehr! Just forgot! Buchi wagte den Sprung ins heiße Wasser, Harald ins kalte: Thermalbad in Shtip und Ohrid See an einem Tag! Da kann es auch schon mal verkommen, dass man vergisst ein Konzert zu spielen. Losung für heute: Ich weiß noch nichts.
Informationsschalter Demenz sind fließend. Schorsch versuchte bereits mit dem Mittagessen in der mazedonischen Dinar für. zahlen die schönsten Urlaubserlebnisse werden im gleichen Umfang wie den verblassenden Erinnerungen an ihre kondensiert. sie entkommen unser Gehirn wie unsere einheimischen Bier Poren. Keine Pinkelpausen! Einfach vergessen! Büchi nahm Gehe in heißem Wasser in kalten Harald: Angeln in Stip und Ohrid-See an einem Tag! Da kann es manchmal ausarten, dass Sie ein Konzert spielen zu vergessen. Lösung für heute: Ich weiß nicht, noch nichts.
Tour dementia are gradual. Schorsch tried already with lunch in Macedonian dinars for pay the most beautiful holiday experiences are condensed to the same extent as the fading memories of her. they escape our brains as our local beer pores. No more pee breaks! Just forget! Buchi took Jump in hot water in cold Harald: Fishing in Stip and Ohrid Lake in one day! Because it can sometimes degenerate, that you forget to play a concert. Solution for today: I do not know anything yet.
На Тур деменцијата се постепено. Schorsch обиде веќе со ручек во македонски српски динари за. плати Најубавото празник искуства се кондензирана во иста мера како исчезнува спомени од неа. тие избега нашиот мозок како на локално пиво нашите пори. Нема повеќе паузи пишам! Само заборави! Buchi зеде Скокни во топла вода во ладна Харалд: Риболов во Штип и Охридското Езеро во еден ден! Бидејќи тоа може да понекогаш дури и дегенерира, дека сте заборавиле да играат концерт. Решение за денес: јас не знам ништо сеуште.
Die Tourdemenz setzt allmählich ein. Schorsch versucht im mazedonischen Imbiss schon mal mit serbischen Dinar zu bezahlen. Die wundervollsten Urlaubserlebnisse verdichten sich im selben Maß wie die Erinnerungen daran verblassen. Sie entrinnen unseren Gehirnen wie das hiesige Bier unseren Poren. Keine Pinkelpausen mehr! Just forgot! Buchi wagte den Sprung ins heiße Wasser, Harald ins kalte: Thermalbad in Shtip und Ohrid See an einem Tag! Da kann es auch schon mal verkommen, dass man vergisst ein Konzert zu spielen. Losung für heute: Ich weiß noch nichts.
Saturday, June 23, 2012

After a nice show in a small club in Kragujevac on thursday (Thanx a lot Filip!) we played the Balkan Streets Festival in Vranje yesterday. Another first for us: An open air concert that was inside a house! Well ok, it was actually in the backyard and you had to walk through the house to get there. But you couldn't see any sky or green cause the yard was completely surrounded by concrete steel.
A couple of bands from Serbia, Croatia and the NEDs played a great mix from Thrash Metal to Singer/Songwriter style. We played a short set, made some crazy interviews and met some friends from the Music Without Borders project. Actually we wanted to meet our bandfriend and papa of Kulturaktiv Mirko at the festival and pick him up for the rest of PSV2012. Too bad he had to stay in Germany and couldn't join us. Cheers Mirko!
At 3AM some dull metalheads decided that we need only one number plate for the bus. He also lent the mercedes star from our trunk. Strange, I always thought that's more something for Hip Hoppers. Anyway, he gave us his facebook contact and fingerprints. Thanks a lot asshole for hours of senseless waiting instead of going to the thermal springs in shtip!
Therefore we enjoyed a great lunch with Gordana from Generator in the local harem. The traditional regional food was great but the girls had already left and went back to turkey 200 years ago. Now we're finally in the van waiting at the border to the hollowed land: Makedonia here we come!

Friday, June 22, 2012
Number 1 One I
Did we already mention the enormous weather? Our cellar tanned bodies were screaming for sun and 35 degrees in the shade. We can already feel the palm trees growing here. Soaking wet we arrived at the Kulturni Dom of the Studentski Grad wednesday afternoon. It was the first time people were dancing and sitting on their seats at the same time. We didn't know that this is possible. Great audience here in Belgrade! The people understood our not so good (only two words) serbian very well. So in return we taught them some german words like 'Hui' and 'Jeah'. Still it was a big mistake to organize a seated concert. The air was burning during the show. After a couple of songs the students tore the wooden banks apart and threw them around. Fortunately the local police academy was nearby. The boys and girls had a tough job to hold back the groupies from smothering the bandmembers. At the end we had to play one encore after the other to calm down the raging crowd of ca. 500 people! After all there very friendly to us.
Belgrade's nightlife could offer great spots that had nothing to do with water though it sounded like it. The 'island' is easy to reach without swimming. It's a small piece of green bedded between highway 72 and highway 63. The 'fountain' is also a great place to sit because it's as dry as a bone. No water here as well. At least the kiosk round the corner doesn't give a damn about prohibition and sells alcohol even after 10pm. It opens every morning at zero o' clock and closes midnight. The appartments were great but after this great night only half of us were able to get there.
Belgrade's nightlife could offer great spots that had nothing to do with water though it sounded like it. The 'island' is easy to reach without swimming. It's a small piece of green bedded between highway 72 and highway 63. The 'fountain' is also a great place to sit because it's as dry as a bone. No water here as well. At least the kiosk round the corner doesn't give a damn about prohibition and sells alcohol even after 10pm. It opens every morning at zero o' clock and closes midnight. The appartments were great but after this great night only half of us were able to get there.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Belgrad sehen und sterbien.
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 Human Calendar, Earth time
0630 crewmembers meet shuttle pilot Christoph in their spaceport in Dresden
0631 spaceship 'Hollebolle IV' gets loaded fast and professionally
1001 one minute of silence in memory of the downfall of 'Hollebolle II' two years ago
1002 another minute of silence in memory of the jungfernflug of 'Hollebolle III' that failed last year
1003 liftoff, finally
1007 short landing at the fuel station, buying liquids for the machine
1116 cooling system causes unoverbridgeable problems
1117 unexpected landing at ship rental Wendt
1018 minor reparations on the warp system (Error 451: Herr Wendt, Herr Wendt der Tourbus brennt.)
1120 short landing at the fuel station, buying liqueurs for the crew
1155 liftoff, heading south
1803 2nd commander Bertotti gets aboard at Stanica Spaceshipova in Bratislava
2035 crew gets hungry, the rest hungary
2100 arrival and overnight stay at the inflight-schneise of turkish Air Force 8 - 4027
2225 Palinka fur alle
2348 insects take over
2355 noise of transitting delivery ships causes loud snoring-back
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 Human Calendar, Earth time
0002 tremendous heat, no sleep till Belgrade
0900 hemenex
1035 ship needs three hours to break through the balkanian defence shield
1600 landing at the 1st destination studentski spaceport of Beograd
0630 crewmembers meet shuttle pilot Christoph in their spaceport in Dresden
0631 spaceship 'Hollebolle IV' gets loaded fast and professionally
1001 one minute of silence in memory of the downfall of 'Hollebolle II' two years ago
1002 another minute of silence in memory of the jungfernflug of 'Hollebolle III' that failed last year
1003 liftoff, finally
1007 short landing at the fuel station, buying liquids for the machine
1116 cooling system causes unoverbridgeable problems
1117 unexpected landing at ship rental Wendt
1018 minor reparations on the warp system (Error 451: Herr Wendt, Herr Wendt der Tourbus brennt.)
1120 short landing at the fuel station, buying liqueurs for the crew
1155 liftoff, heading south
1803 2nd commander Bertotti gets aboard at Stanica Spaceshipova in Bratislava
2035 crew gets hungry, the rest hungary
2100 arrival and overnight stay at the inflight-schneise of turkish Air Force 8 - 4027
2225 Palinka fur alle
2348 insects take over
2355 noise of transitting delivery ships causes loud snoring-back
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 Human Calendar, Earth time
0002 tremendous heat, no sleep till Belgrade
0900 hemenex
1035 ship needs three hours to break through the balkanian defence shield
1600 landing at the 1st destination studentski spaceport of Beograd
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
New CD: Yes
New Vinyl: Double Yes
Passport: Yes
Futurama DVDs: Sure
Guitars: Uuh Yeah!
Beats: Hell
Mermaid: Easy
Bathing suit: Jepp
Merchandise: Awful lot
Toothbrush: Uuhm?
Sleeping bag: What?
Towel: Anyone?
Undies: Holy sh__!
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