Thursday, October 6, 2011

Borders Without Music

Some of us just came back from an international conference in Vukovar in the very east of Croatia. We changed the topic of the discussions from Music Without Borders the other way round to Borders Without Music because there was no reception at the borderstop to Serbia at all. No! Story! The actual reason why we could not play there (and had to change the topic) is we forgot our instruments and half of the band in the train to budapest. As we told you we're getting older, forgetful farts.
So we decided to do some gardening in the hotel corridors and the elevators as this is every senior's passion. There were some friendly young people from all over Europe who helped us carrying the heavy flower pots around. We were talking a lot to them about music, rock'n'roll and all and gave them some little presents.

Schorsch forgot the instruments in the train and gives away some free posters

But now: Things are getting serious soon. We hit the road for the DVM11 in exactly one week. We're back, got new instruments and the rest of band hitchhiked home meanwhile. For the next days Marracash will lock themselves in their rehearsal room to prepare for the upcoming live sh**. Stay tuned and check your local public-transportation website for the best bus-connection to the club!

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