In Klatovy Frantischko, Vicky and Zelvin welcome us in a Old-School-70s-Glamour-Kulturny-Dum with a large collection of homemade slivowice of Zelwin's friends. An omen?
The concert is great. Support band Jinovatka beats us with their incredible costumes. Looking forward to see them again in Ceske Budejovice. When we play people go crazy and have a good party. It gets even wilder when Profesor Ikebara takes over. Weird. Why does everybody wear Marracash stickers on their clothes?
Next day we have a new traveling situation. Our already overloaded six person van is now carrying seven people and the trunk that was 100% stuffed has now 120% load. We don't know how we did it but we took pictures of it. This way we can try it again tomorrow.
praxis dr.arzt
auch wenn der esel zuhause bleibt, wird er nicht zum pferd.
da hat er recht, der arzt. da mag der esel so viel reisen wie er will.