Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ein Strakonice, bitte!

Today we are lazy. We are on holiday in Jamaica:

Hmm, ok, to be honest it was an electric heater on the market square in Ceske Budejovice. It was very nice to have a little illusion of summertime and we fell in love with the situation instantly. Maybe its because of the good green that's everywhere though it is almost november? However, we became hungry after so much drinking and found a good grill. Too bad it was only open for one day in summer. But we have to put our stuff out of the bus now anyway, no time for food : -(

OK, some words about yesterday: We played Strakonice and met that strange guy. He lives in the backstage room of the club since ages.

And here we go, well prepared for the show:

Last but not least, there was another strange guy in the club, and we are very proud that he allowed us to make a picture of him. He told us later that he's the son of the man without face. For some reason we believe him. Maybe becaus of the hair. I don't know.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kultur Finally

Bavaria lies behind us, Sumava hory around and Klatovy ahead. Behind the border we try to sell Jo in the Beauty Free Shop but the elder lady at the counter doesn't want to give us much money for him. So he gets another chance in the band until we cross the border again next week.
In Klatovy Frantischko, Vicky and Zelvin welcome us in a Old-School-70s-Glamour-Kulturny-Dum with a large collection of homemade slivowice of Zelwin's friends. An omen?

The concert is great. Support band Jinovatka beats us with their incredible costumes. Looking forward to see them again in Ceske Budejovice. When we play people go crazy and have a good party. It gets even wilder when Profesor Ikebara takes over. Weird. Why does everybody wear Marracash stickers on their clothes?

Next day we have a new traveling situation. Our already overloaded six person van is now carrying seven people and the trunk that was 100% stuffed has now 120% load. We don't know how we did it but we took pictures of it. This way we can try it again tomorrow.

praxis dr.arzt
auch wenn der esel zuhause bleibt, wird er nicht zum pferd.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Heute: Historischer Exkurs und Butschi

Die Marracash Frikadellenkrise wurde zu Fortuna das Schicksalsbärchen nachdem der Verdauungsvorgang einiger mittlerweile unbeliebter Bandmitglieder endlich abgeschlossen war.

Ansonsten spielte die Dresdner Viehl-Haar-Monie in den Katakomben der Mahagoni Bar Augsburg die wie dieses Bild hier zu bedenken gibt eben doch in New York war wo das mit dem Weltruhm ja um Längen schwieriger ist als anderswo.

Es war im Übrigen Butschis erstes Konzert mit uns und wir möchten ihm an dieser Stelle bereits für die kommenden Jahre danken. Hier eine Szene seines Glücks:

So und was bleibt zu sagen. Jetzt gehts endlich ins gelobte Land. Dann mehr von uns.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 week thursday we start to the holy country, the Mekka of Pivo and friendly people-Zech Republic...

Monday, October 11, 2010

La Cosa Morelli

there's a new song on MySpace! Finally we made it to present the first of the tracks we recorded between december 2009 and july 2013. Check Out La Cosa Morelli and see why the band just calls it Reggae Jungle. Yeeoh, Yo-ooh..